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Flip the Switch, SoRo.


Thank you, Molly Hunter at Roanoke's Office of Neighborhood Services, for sharing! And thank you to the folks in Greater Oakland neighbor in Roanoke for the idea.

Just a few neighbors turning on their porch lights totally transformed the walkability and sense of safety in the Greater Oakland neighborhood in the evening. It worked so well for them that their flyer is being shared with neighborhood groups across the city!

A brightly lit neighborhood (ie. our own houses and yards) makes a safer, friendlier place. We got this, SoRo! And the holiday season PROVES it. Our neighborhood is completely transformed by illumination. And available technology such as LEDs and motion sensors make environmentally conscious implementation possible.

Additional personal actions that make a difference: always lock your cars, sheds, etc. Report any criminal activity. (To report NON-emergencies, call (540) 853-2411.)

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