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Tree Planting Events
SoRo Tree Planting Events.png
In coordination with
Trees Roanoke
Roanoke Tree Stewards
City of Roanoke Urban Forestry Division

Neighbors in South Roanoke tree planting events are a collaboration of Neighbors in South Roanoke (“SoRo Neighbors”), Trees Roanoke, Roanoke Tree Stewards, and the Urban Forestry Division of the City of Roanoke. With input from Urban Forestry, appropriate trees will be selected for approved sites requested by residents. 10-15 trees planted in one day will be our goal for each planting event. SoRo Neighbors will coordinate as many dates as possible to accommodate requests.

Cost: As a nonprofit organization, Trees Roanoke can purchase wholesale plant material, which helps lower costs. Prices for trees vary based on size and type, but the estimated cost is $100/tree for a tree large enough to have good survivability yet small enough to be handled by volunteers. Anyone who has purchased a tree can attest that this is a great price.  While there is no charge to those who receive a tree during a tree planting event, residents are strongly encouraged to make tax deductible donations to Trees Roanoke to help defray the cost of growing our city’s tree canopy.  


Tree Stewards are city volunteers and operate under Roanoke City Parks and Recreation. Almost all of Trees Roanoke’s plantings are done on city property, either in parks or in streetside grass strips, aka tree lawns. City equipment and tools are used to transport materials, dig the holes, and water the trees on planting day. A selection of hand tools is provided for the planting event, but residents are also welcome to bring their own tools.


Building Community: Building community, meeting our neighbors, enjoying the outdoors together are wonderful side effects of tree planting events. SoRo residents are encouraged to volunteer and participate.  There will be planting tasks as well as non-planting opportunities to help!

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