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Sept 19 Quarterly Meeting Recap: Guest Ronald McDonald House


Speakers, Events & LOTS Going On!

Another quarterly meeting is in the books. Thank you for showing up, SoRo, for September's Neighbors in South Roanoke quarterly meeting - especially to our several first-time attendees.

Guest speaker, Stefanie Hall, House Program Director of Ronald McDonald House drew attendees' attention to the impact and importance of Ronald McDonald Houses by sharing her own childhood experience at a Ronald McDonald House. Without question, South Roanoke is home to a special neighbor in RMHC-SVWA.

As House Program Director, Stefanie has her hands in all aspects of providing services and support to families of children undergoing medical treatment in our local healthcare system.

Their motto is "Keeping Families Close" by providing "an environment of love, community, and hope to families of seriously ill children. RMHC-SWVA programs give a family with a sick child what they need most - each other." From operations to fundraising to volunteer coordination - Stefanie knows all the ways that SoRo neighbors can help make this motto come true for these families. Here are some the many special events, fundraisers, and celebrations coming up at our Ronald McDonald House:

  • Handbag Hullabaloo: NEW event for 2023! Thursday, October 19 at 5:00 pm at the Vinton War Memorial.

  • Fall Festival: Saturday, October 21, 11:00 am – to 2:00 pm at Ronald McDonald House. Everyone is welcome - food, games, bouncy houses, and more!

  • Run for Donuts 5K: Register now for Saturday, November 4 at 9:00am event at Sherwood Memorial Park in Salem.

Stefanie invites us to contact her at or (540) 857-0770 to plug in!

Additionally, in attendance at our meeting were:

Elaina Corfield, Legislative Assistant for Delegate Sam Rasoul's office, was available for questions. She also provided Del. Rasoul's contact information: (540) 904-6905. Del. Rasoul is running unopposed in this year’s November General Election.

Mark Kary, member of Roanoke Neighborhood Advocates, explained the group's purpose. They are citizens representing the interests of neighborhood organizations and are appointed by City Council. RNA members serve as a liaison for connecting residents to the information they need to improve their neighborhood and quality of life. The RNA uses the feedback received from residents to inform city staff of community needs. At Roanoke Neighborhood Advocates you'll find more information including grant opportunities for neighborhood associations like ours to make "neighborhoods safer, cleaner, and healthier by providing them with the resources to achieve their goals."

City of Roanoke Interim Police Chief Jerry Stokes, Captain Jennifer Boswell, and other members of the RPD. Captain Boswell informed the neighbors that the City of Roanoke and the Roanoke Police Department continue to expand community outreach. On the evening of November 8, the city will host a cook-out and forum in South Roanoke at South Roanoke Methodist Church. City leaders, staff from several departments including the City Manager's office, Transportation, Zoning, Public Safety, Housing, and more, want to sit down with us, enjoy a meal together, and listen. The meal will be followed by an organized forum for Q&A. We look forward to this also being an opportunity to meet our new Police Chief Scott Booth. More details coming soon!

Thank you for using SoRo Solutions for communicating what's on your mind and and to see what others have shared.

As always, please spread the word! Please share this and future posts and emails with your neighbors.

Our next NiSR Quarterly Meeting is Tuesday, November 14, 2023 at South Roanoke Methodist Church Community Room.

Best regards,

Board of Officers

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