Thank you to Dr. Frank Dane for his Mindfulness presentation at our January meeting. You can read about his presentation here.
Upcoming SoRo events and dates:
Neighborhood Chess Nights at CSG start February 7, 2024: 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of every month at Crystal Spring Grocery from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm. Do you want to learn? Do you like to play? Or do you prefer to bring a friend to observe? All are welcome!
Neighborhood-wide Yard Sale Day: This Spring (Date TBD) residents will be invited to participate in a neighborhood-wide yard sale. Sell your treasures or buy someone else's! Consider donating a portion or your proceeds to Neighbors in South Roanoke, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization!
Neighborhood Beautification and Tree Planting Day: In May (Date TBD) we'll host our inaugural "Neighborhood Beautification Day" event. We will partner with Parks and Recreation's Department of Urban Forestry and the Tree Stewards. More details to come including how to get a tree planted near your house! Please email for more information or to get involved.
Neighborhood meeting dates for 2024: March 19, May 21, September 17, with final 2024 meeting date TBD. View and subscribe to our google calendar here.
And from the City of Roanoke:
NEW Arts Connect Neighbors A collaboration of the Roanoke Arts Commission, the Roanoke Cultural Endowment, and Roanoke Neighborhood Advocates. “Building a stronger Roanoke through the arts- a new approach to BUILDING COMMUNITY in Roanoke.” Neighbors in South Roanoke will definitely make use of these program offerings to bring events and workshops to SoRo. We can’t wait to connect in fun, creative ways. Best of all, it’s FREE! Stay tuned!
City Zoning Reforms Proposed: Multiple opportunities to learn more about zoning reforms being proposed for Roanoke City. Please visit: to find all more information as well as the time and location of six public meetings/open houses to be held in February. These zoning changes will impact the entire city. Please consider attending.
Reminder to "Flip the Switch" because a brighter environment is a safer environment.
Early voting for Virginia's March 5th presidential primaries is underway. Roanoke City voters' early voting location is Roanoke City Registrar's Office, 317 Kimball Ave. NE (540) 853-2281. Visit for further information.
SoRo Solutions: Please use our online form to submit your “clearings and celebrations” prior to meetings. Submissions can also be made in writing prior to the start of each meeting. SoRo Solutions is intended to keep our meetings well organized and to document and record neighbor input.
Next meeting: Tuesday, March 19, 7:00pm at South Roanoke United Methodist Church community room. Guest speaker: Davey Stewards of Star City Compost.